Sunday, 13 February 2011

half term soon

It is near the half term which is a week away which is good for all of the people in my class including myself.
We are going to Amsterdam to see friends. We have been once before and it was very expensive, and we walked nearly everywhere. We took a river tour boat which was the only place we didn't walk. This time I hope we don't have to walk everywhere and that we see some of the better known landmarks, apart from the fact that most of Holland is below sea level and that the sun shines sometimes at least and isn't always grey like in England.


  1. You should research what to do in Amsterdam and especially places to eat. No more paying £15 for soup and bread for us! Especially as we just paid £12.50 for a 3 course meal at Tom Ilic for you kids.

  2. You could cycle everywhere. That's what they do in Holland.

  3. Bah, what cheapskate parents you have! You should insist on getting taxis everywhere and in eating at the finest restaurants.
    PS Don't forget the doggie bags
    Signed: Lucky & Hebe

  4. You're going to get a taste of just how cheapskate we are when you're staying with us next week! How does fried spam and instant noodles sound for Wed night dinner?
