Tuesday 5 April 2011

Bathroom trouble

At the moment we are having are bathroom done; firstly the slate tiles did not arrive so in the end dad just bought some but unfortunately the shower tray is more of a problem as you can not simply buy one from your nearest DIY shop or Homebase and are still waiting for it to arrive and it is thankfully arriving tomorrow so we can get the Bathroom finished and start using it soon as possible. We had buy another shower tray because the other one we had and had come with all the bathroom fittings had chipped in transit and the chip was rather large so I'm told which meant of course buying another one. We are also going to the South of France and I will be posting through out.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Source Code review

On Saturday I went to see Source code; an interesting mix of inception and action film. Surprisingly it uses very few sets as there are about four altogether and was made by the same director who made moon also used few sets. The whole of the film seems to be set on a 8 minute loop which gives the film a tense atmosphere throughout and still manages to be at some point witty as well which is a hard thing to pull of as the two usually don't mix. By the end of the film you feel in a good mood as it has a proper ending not just a cliffhanger. You get a feeling that the director had fun while making Source Code and put a lot of thought in to the plot and knew how to make the audience feel tense which is interesting as he has only made to films that I know of and has already got the knack of keeping the audience watching. Overall I give Source Code 10 out of ten which is purely down how it made you feel throughout and at the end of the film.